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Listen in to our free business podcast where business owners, experts, entrepreneurs and leaders discuss topics from climate change to being a women in business.

Listen to the latest episode

Female Leaders with Poonam Gupta

In this episode we sit down with Dr Poonam Gupta OBE, CEO and Founder of PG Paper to talk about being a female founder, challenges women face in business and motherhood.

Throughout this series we will be joined by a diverse group of phenomenal guests sharing their own unique experiences of being a woman leader in their field.

We hope that this podcast inspires our listeners to think what gender diversity means to you, how much you surround yourself with different voices and how together we can evolve our reality to have equal representation of women across all layers of society.

Listen to the recording: Thursday 9th March, 2023 

Series 2 - Think Female Leaders

Sometimes strong is not a choice – it’s just how much you want it, want it enough to make it happen.

Dr Poonam Gupta OBE, CEO and Founder of PG Paper


Series 1 - Think Climate

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