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Building business resilience: how to thrive in the new world of work

Building business resilience: how to thrive in the new world of work

Clare Alexander is our Head of Business Models and Workplace Innovation – she shares the steps your company can take to be resilient in the new business landscape, as well as her tips on building a stronger, happier and healthier workforce.

Ensuring businesses can transition from survival to growth is more important than ever. We can support you to create a profitable, efficient, and responsive business.

Clare Alexander, Head of Business Models and Workplace Innovation, Scottish Enterprise

Clare Alexander, Head of Workplace Innovation, Scottish Enterprise

What is business resilience?

Recent events have forced the entire world to change how it works, and we're continuing to adjust to a new reality in our professional and personal lives. We often hear media commentators talking about building a resilient workforce - but what does the word 'resilience' mean in this context? And how does it apply to your workforce? 

Resilience can take on various forms – it's a company's ability to recover its size and way of working after being strained or compressed. It’s also the way it can adapt easily to misfortune or change. It’s no exaggeration to say that the pandemic presented businesses with the most urgent need to be resilient in recent history. Most of all, it highlighted employee well-being and innovation as a business' core strength.

Indeed, research has shown that better-managed organisations survived and thrived through past economic crises, and in today's turbulent environment. The events of recent years have accelerated three crucial elements of resilience:

  • Digital transformation
  • Workforce reskilling
  • Innovation

As we move forward, all three will require significant experimentation and learning by managers, providing a new opportunity to build better workplaces.

We’re helping businesses reimagine how and where they work as well as empowering managers everywhere to effect lasting change.

Workplace innovation and Fair Work practices

Workplace innovation is an effective way for your business to recover its shape and size following the stresses of the pandemic. It can also enhance your competitive edge.

It’s about creating a culture of innovation in which staff are fully engaged and supported to reach their potential. Ensuring your managers help team members to develop beyond their role is increasingly important – the connection between good management practices and productivity is well established. 

Considering the changes brought about by these unprecedented times, ensuring optimal conditions for businesses to transition from survival to growth is more important than ever. We can help you to create a profitable, efficient, and responsive business which is also aligned to Fair Work practices, set out by the Scottish Government. 

Planning for change

There are principles and measures that every employer should consider as we emerge from the pandemic. These seven key principles of fair work should form part of your resilience planning: employee voice, security, respect, opportunity, fulfilment, flexible and family friendly working, and the rejection of fire and rehire practices.

To deepen our engagement with companies around Fair Work practices, we can work with you to:

  • Help review your working practices to support employee engagement and well-being
  • Provide guidance on developing your company's culture
  • Identify your company's training needs or solutions for leaders, managers, and employees through our partners at Skills Development Scotland
  • Connect you to our networks and contacts to demonstrate Fair Work and innovative practices
  • Encourage companies to develop a workforce plan, talent management and HR strategies

Business resilience checklist

How we can help

We've all had to adapt our ways of working. To support this ongoing journey, we're running a number of online programmes to deliver workplace innovation, leadership and management development support.

We’ve placed a greater emphasis on using existing learning platforms, breakout groups, online chat and real-time video of our participants. We also encourage attendees to ‘pre-read’ ahead of our sessions.

While this can't beat face to face contact in the same location, it's a good alternative option. And we’ve had feedback that companies are keen to access support and development from us in this way.

You can also access support through the Find Business Support website and the coronavirus business support helpline 0300 013 3385.

Join our business support events

Discover a number of our online workshops hosted on Eventbrite. These include:

  • Fair Work Workshop Series – explore the benefits of building a diverse and flexible workforce and learn practical ways you can effect change 
  • Youth Employment Workshops – learn how to support the attraction, recruitment, development, leadership and retention of young people
  • Managing People for Growth – enjoy a programme of six online workshops designed to help you and your team develop excellent people management skills
  • Leadership for Growth – develop the skills of your people managers through our workshops which cover a number of key areas to help you grow

Contact us

Got a question about building resilience and thriving in the new and changing landscape? Chat with us.