Develop products and services

Support for manufacturers

SMAS support for manufacturers

We deliver the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS), working intensively with businesses across all sectors and of all sizes in Scotland, from Shetland to the Borders, across the whole manufacturing supply chain.

Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service

Rapid advances in digital technology are transforming the ways we design, build and sell our products and services. At the Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service (SMAS), we're here to help manufacturers in Scotland build a sustainable future.

Technology, automation and global supply chain opportunities mean the business world is changing fast. To maintain future competitiveness, it’s increasingly vital you engage your entire workforce in supporting innovation and the adoption of new processes and technology.

We can help your manufacturing business plot a course to take advantage of new opportunities, such as efficiency and cost saving measures, that will increase productivity and boost competitiveness.

Man writing on whiteboard

Manufacturing in Scotland

Scotland has a high value, high quality manufacturing sector and our diverse business base plays a central role in sustaining and growing our economy.

47% of R&D spend

47% of Scotland's R&D spend is within the manufacturing sector

54% of Scottish exports

Over 54% of Scotland's international exports are from manufacturing

169,000 skilled professionals

169,000 people work in Scotland's manufacturing sector

Young female engineer at work

Why come to us for support?

Our respected team of 22 practitioners are proven industrial leaders who guide businesses through immediate tactical challenges as well as longer term strategic change.

With a minimum of 15 years’ experience in manufacturing, the team has a wealth of knowledge and can connect into an incredible network of support. Their ‘fresh pair of eyes’ approach challenges businesses to prepare and plan for the future.

Our role is to support improvements in productivity, culture and behaviours from the shop-floor to the boardroom. Our improvement projects can be tailored to solve an immediate business issue or focused on a more significant change programme.

We can help you:

SMAS Industry 4.0 report

Around the world, manufacturing businesses are rapidly transforming their operations by adopting digital technologies to change how products are made, creating productivity and competitive advantages. 

Since its launch in May 2018, the SMAS Industry 4.0 (i4.0) review has raised awareness of i4.0 concepts among Scottish manufacturers,  increasing their ambition to invest in digital manufacturing. And it's helped 180 businesses create their digital road map for the future. 

Find out about the findings from these reviews and the significant opportunities it identifies.

Read the SMAS Industry 4.0 report (PDF, 576kB)

Ask our team

If you’re looking to improve your manufacturing process and plan for a sustainable future, get in touch. Our specialist in your area is ready to help.