Exports and international markets


International ecommerce

More and more companies in Scotland are selling online to international markets as a key element of their export plan. In 2023, around 2.64 billion people buy products and services online — almost a third of the world's population.

Doing business abroad doesn’t mean you have to set up operations in-market. If your sales are doing well in the UK, then it’s a no-brainer to get set up to grow your international sales quickly online, whether you’re a product or service-led business. It’ll save you time and money. 

What’s more, recent disruptions have led many companies across Scotland to start or accelerate their use of ecommerce platforms to reach new and existing customers. Ecommerce is a vital tool in Scotland’s recovery from the pandemic and the development of its future trading relationships with the EU and beyond. 

We’re here to offer you support if you want to start selling to international markets online. 

There are several things you can do to prepare.

Preparing for international ecommerce

How we can support your business

International ecommerce programme

There’s never been a better time to sell online.

Our international ecommerce programme offers focused, action-based support to help you develop an online strategy and prepare to sell in new markets.

Online marketplace guides

Selling via online marketplaces gives you a simple, but effective shop window in countries and regions you may never have thought you could reach.

Our marketplace guides contain registration information and pricing for over 60 marketplaces around the world, including Amazon, eBay and Etsy.

Ecommerce events, webinars and masterclasses

Free insight, training and tips from our network of experts and those who have been there and done it.

Our regular workshops and training sessions are designed to help businesses make the most out of the many ecommerce opportunities available.