Funding and grants

Business grants

Featured business grants and funding calls

We’re changing the way we support businesses. We’ll still be delivering a few targeted grants, but we’ll also be focusing on helping you find the right grant funding from our partners and external sources. Find out more about our approach to grants, as well as the funds that are currently available.

Our current grants


The SMART: SCOTLAND grant is a research and development (R&D) grants that aims to support high-risk, highly ambitious projects. It's used to conduct feasibility studies. 

Regional Selective Assistance funding

RSA is a discretionary grant aimed at encouraging capital investment and job creation in Assisted Areas of Scotland.

The grant is available for businesses who want to develop a project in these areas.

Research and development (R&D) grants

Our R&D grants offer a range of support for companies that are looking to research and develop a new product, process or service, or significantly improve an existing one. 

Funding is available for projects that could improve business competitiveness, encourage further R&D and benefit the Scottish economy.

Funding calls programme 2023-24

Search new funding calls operated by Scottish Enterprise and other public sector organisations. This list is updated regularly and subject to change. Last updated October 2023.

Closed funding calls 

The Ecosystem fund is now closed for applications. Applications closed on 25 September 2023.

EnerDigit Joint Call 2023 is now closed for applications. Applications closed on 12 September 2023.

The Digital Development Loan is now closed for applications.

Changes to our grants

Our new funding model is simpler and more inclusive. It’s changing the way we support businesses, and will help create jobs and promote a greener economy. We'll be promoting funding calls and grants from across our partner organisations, as well as delivering a few targeted funds of our own. 

Outside of our calls and grants, we’re keen to continue talking to you about your projects. We'll do our best to provide a wide range of non-financial support as well as helping you access other funding across the public sector.

A female developer gazes at code on an iMac

Find more grant options at Find Business Support

The grants we’ve listed are our own grants or featured calls from partners that we expect to drive Scotland’s progress towards a greener, fairer economy. You’ll find a full list of grants, funding calls and other types of funding available across Scotland at the Find Business Support website. These may cover a wider range of sectors, activities and regions.

Go to the Find Business Support website

Stay informed about future grant support

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Talk to us about your project or business growth plans

Not sure what funding you need or how we can help? If you’re an established business in Scotland, get in touch to tell us a bit about your business and what you’re planning. We’ll help point you towards the right support, which could include external funding, non-financial support from our experts and, in some cases, our own funding.

Other types of funding

European funding

These funds are typically highly competitive, but can offer big sums to the right businesses. Find out what’s available and how we can help you access it.

Investment funding

Looking for investors and investment funding? We can help you access a variety of sources of funding, including our own co-investment funds, as well as help your business prepare for investors.

Funding for businesses in the Highlands and Islands

If your business is based in the Highlands and Islands, you’ll find more relevant support on the Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) website.